Sunday, 25 August 2013

Freederm Fast Track

Very good; but not quite THAT good
Freederm Fast Track 

Great if you have the occasional breakout; not so great if you deal with bad skin on a regular basis. Freederm Fast Track works wonders on one off bouts of spots but used regularly, it's almost like your skin builds up a resistance to it. And as for working in 3 hours...well...

The product firmly states that it is to be applied after thoroughly cleansing the affected area; fair enough...but still something of an indicator that Fast Track needs all the help it can get to work. Whilst Freederm is one of the best, widely available brands for spot prone skin, from personal experience I've found it can leave you wondering what all the fuss is about.

Naturally, any product of this nature is going to have varied results from person to person. Thankfully, I have pretty decent skin about 80% of the time, but like any other 18 year old, some days that really isn't the case. If you're lucky enough to have a clear complexion then using Freederm every now and then is great because largely, it takes care of things. However for the times when you have a week long breakout etc, very little progress seems to be made. Personally, I don't think it's asking too much for a bit of consistency from a skin care product, particularly one that claims to be a fast fix for spots. 

My best advice with this stuff would be to make sure you have a good skincare regime. The more action you take to prevent breakouts, the happier you'll be in the long run, and the less you'll find yourself relying on Fast Track. That's not to say it's a bad product - compared to most others, it does work the best - but it shouldn't be mistaken for a daily staple in your routine. Drinking plenty of water, always taking makeup off at night and a good oil free moisturiser; they should be 3 steps you take every day. Freederm Fast Track? That should only come into the equation if the aforementioned slip up and you find yourself facing a bad skin day. It works well in conjunction with other products so there's no need to throw out your cleansers and scrubs  nor is it too harsh. But seriously, don't put all your hopes in it leaving you flawless in 24 hours, let alone the 3 it states you'll see results in.

This product retails at around £6 and can be found in Boots, Tesco and on Amazon.


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